Nielson Family
When Lisa reached out to me for family photos, I immediately felt so grateful. I’ve known Richard and Lisa for my entire life. I grew up going to church with them. Their kids are all younger than me. I even sold my old car to their middle child Cannon.
Cannon was diagnosed with cancer this year. He was going to college and had to pack everything up so he could seek treatment. At the time of the photo session, he had finished his treatments but was waiting for two weeks to receive his bone marrow transfusion, which his older brother was a perfect match.
When Lisa tried to pay me, I had a few people lined up already wanting to pay her session fee. So she was gifted this session. I took these photos right before Thanksgiving and had an idea.
I posted on my social media how grateful I was to all my clients (which I am always), but that I wanted to do something special for the holidays. I raffled off a family session and told the participants how to enter, including that all donations and entries would go directly to the Nielson family. It was so successful and I had so many entries it made me tear up. After I sent Lisa the money, I ran into her and she was so grateful.
Cannon has since had his bone marrow transfusion and they are staying in Salt Lake City waiting 100 days to know if it was successful or not. If you are the praying kind, I know how much they would appreciate prayers on his behalf right now.
Holidays can feel so stressful, but let’s remember always to be kind and help others out when they need it. And cherish those you love.
If you would like to send their family any donations, feel free to Venmo me and I’ll forward it to Lisa. My Venmo is @Janie-Lundgreen.
xoxo, Janie