February Favorites - Photographer Edition
I’ve had quite a few people that are either starting a vlog, or want to get a better camera ask me some favorites, so I put a list together for my favorite items I use regularly, or that are on my to buy list! These are camera + accessory related.
The links below may include affiliate links, but I only will recommend products I love dearly, and have scoured for a good deal. All of the items vary in price range, so there’s a little bit for everyone! But just know I am very picky about things I buy, so you can trust me to recommend only items I truly love and use!
#1. Ruby + Rae
I bought two bags from this cute little small business, and I have absolutely loved both. I bought The Duo first because my back was always hurting after weddings from holding two cameras around my neck (do not recommend doing this, ever!), and absolutely loved it so much that when they came out with a limited edition of The Sidekick in checkers, I snatched it up! I also had an incident this summer where I misplaced an SD card and I freaked out thinking I was going to have to contact the family and offer a complimentary session for losing their images. Luckily I didn’t, but the next week Ruby + Rae released the Backup and I bought that immediately. I love their products, and the next on my list to buy is their backpack!
#2. Meta Ray Bans
I bought these for myself for Christmas, and it has been a game changer. I always struggled getting behind-the-scenes content because I am so focused on my clients and their comfort, I would always forget to grab a couple videos. Now that I have these, I have been able to get plenty of content for behind-the-scenes and my clients think they are so cool!
I bought the blue light ones (I don’t need a prescription and I don’t love transition glasses on me). They also have speakers so I can listen while I edit!
#3. Camera Flash
I bought this flash for my camera for weddings. It’s great for low light situations, or just tricky lighting. I love how versatile it is and all the extras it comes with in the kit!
#4. Tripod
I bought this tripod for my camera for some landscape photos I am trying to get the hang of, but I have since used it for photos multiple times, I’ve used it with my phone, and I’ve even used it with my laser level to hang portraits on the wall. It is amazing and good quality for the price!
#5. Headphones
I bought my AirPod Pros in 2020 and have used them religiously since. I use them for the gym, to listen to music or podcases, and just even to cancel out noise around me.
However, I have some ear piercings that sometimes makes my AirPods difficult to stay in, so I recently tried (and then bought) the AirPod Max and holy crap. They are amazing.
I will link both separately, but I love them both enough to recommend them!
Here’s the link for the AirPod Pros and here’s the link for the AirPod Max!
#6. Photo Storage Supplies
If you have a dual slot camera like I do, storage is necessary - especially the correct kind!
I’ve used SanDisk SD cards for years and they are my go to that’s quick and reliablie, but I also have to make sure I have my Type B.
I also have bought a few card readers to connect to my laptop. Here’s the link to my favorite one!
External hard drives are essential to photo storage, and I’ve bought a few different kinds, but these are reliable and provide ample storage.
Here’s the link to my favorite SD cards, here’s the link to my favorite Type B card, and the link to my favorite external hard drive!
#7. Phone Stand Charger
I got this charger a while ago when I had an office job, because I love that it can charge both my phone and airpods while putting my phone at display level for my eyes. I love to use it when editing or blogging so I can check how much longer on my podcast, or change the song quickly!
#8. Desk
I don’t know about you, but I love the ability to stand or sit when I’m working. I get sleepy if I’m sitting for too long, and I’ve had numerous jobs that have desks that stand or sit and I feel like I’m way more productive when I can get blood flowing. There are many options out there for electric standing desks, but I like the simplicity this one brings and is affordable!
#9. Water Bottle
I bought this Hydrojug shaker bottle, but I mostly use it as a water bottle with the straw and I love it. I love their spill proof jugs, but I am always grabbing this one for some reason (probably because I have the cute lime green one) and it makes me happy.
#10. Candle Lamp
I recently have been loving lighting a candle and enjoying the scents (thank you to Home Goods for an endless supply of candles I continue to purchase). But I found this adorable lamp that warms the candle and I am in love with it. It is so cute and also doesn’t allow fire, so it’s a win-win in my book!
I truly do love all of these products and use them either every day I’m editing, or every time I have a wedding! Keep following along for more of my favorite links, posing tips, and just my life as a wedding and portrait photographer!
Janie Lin